Welcome Liberty Health Employees

Liberty’s Employee Portal provides you easy access to tools to help you manage your pay and benefit needs from the comfort and privacy of your home.

Liberty Self-Service Links

Liberty Health Brand Store

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Liberty Payroll & Benefits Portal

To access Lawson, click the Liberty Portal link and type in your network user ID and password. Once open, you will see additional links. Please ensure that you click logout when finished. Liberty portal is ONLY supported by Internet Explorer 7 and above.

Liberty Portal

Password Self-Service

This service allows users to enroll in the password self-service program, change their password, and/or unlock their account after they have enrolled.

Password Self-service

Corporate E-mail

Corporate E-mail

Genesis Self-Service

Genesis Self-Service

Healthcare Academy

Healthcare Academy



Former Employee

  1. Click the ELECTRONIC W2 button on this page. This will open a separate tab, so you’ll be able to keep these instructions open and refer back to them as needed.
  2. The Login credentials fields should be blank. If not, please delete any content there.
  3. Below the Login fields, in ‘Authentication,’ click the dropdown menu and select the second item, ‘Former Employees.’ Don’t click the ‘ Login‘ button at this point.
  4. Below the ‘Login‘ button, click ‘Register User.’ You must register to access the information.
  5. The registration process will request the last 4 digits of your Social Security number.
  6. Next, enter your last name in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS, and your zip code from the last known address in our system.
  7. Then respond to the security code challenge and click ‘Submit.’
  8. In the next screen, enter and confirm ‘New Username.’ This should be your current email address. Click ‘Submit.’

The registration process is complete. Within 3-5 minutes you will receive an email from Administrator@libertyhcare.com.

When you receive the Administrator@libertyhcare.com email, return here to the login process seen in Step 1 above, then login to gain access to the needed information. Remember, the email address and password you entered in Step 5 will now be your login credentials.

Electronic W2

Electronic W2

Employee Disaster Assistance

If you have been impacted by a natural disaster, Employee Engagement Managers, Malissa Trachsler and Lynette Kelly, can connect you with local community resources and state/government funding to assist you and your family. For information on available resources, please email:


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